
Piccola Patria

In our time made of second ballots, regional elections, incumbent opinions by referendum and local- independence requests, today’s “Piccola Patria”, directed by Luca Ricci, is the only theatrical proposal, I would say looking about me, that hits the mark as a study of the underhand works, a satire of the events and an inquiry about the false appearances regarding a micro-democracy by exclusion, a local self-determination.
(Rodolfo di Giammarco, La Repubblica, 2.03.20)

Politics is overcome by Family, blood ties “kill” the civic and moral consciousness. The Little Home-Land diminishes even more. It is not only the political metaphor about those who prefer to shut themselves up in their own territory against each possible opening to the outside, but it is also, in the most extreme way, the existential and biological metaphor of the Family which “feeds” itself with each individual. We are one step from the law of the jungle. From there, just the homo homini lupus is left. This is the surprising and interesting conclusion of this show that, while dealing with a present subject regarding politics, ends with the important, sociological theme of the relationship between group and individual.
(Andrea Pierantoni,, 13.11.19)

(…) The thriller prevails and, above all, the main theme becomes the sense of responsibility, the ability to deal with it and with judgement, together with the sense of solidarity. On the whole, the question is: what are we ready to do to oppose an idea we do not share? Can we go beyond what is allowed, risking the lives of the others?
(Valeria Prina,, 8.11.19)

From the point of view of the structure, the play is like a running train, a narrative machine which charms the public. The political aspect is the sea where the story is immersed (…) and where the rifts of the private lives are the same as those of the political events. So, if on one hand the identification is very strong, on the other hand the personal story (driving element of the narrative structure) damages the few ideals that could have been present.
(Mailè Orsi,,19.09.19)

Here the family is the metaphor of Italy, which broods over disagreements and tries to remove the past misdeeds, without turning out well. Or rather, coming to the typical solutions of the Italian politics, with hypocritical settlements and compromises which end by covering the instigators, somehow connected with the power, and leaving the executors dealing with problems of conscience, bound to generate anger and to remain without answers. No matter how, you have to survive in a little homeland too.
(Carlo Francesco Conti, La Stampa, 29.06.19)